We are hiring a new lab technician!
We are looking for a research technician to help with mouse colony management and work on projects related to craniofacial development and regeneration. This will be a great opportunity for a recent undergrad graduate to begin her/his research career, to learn new techniques, and to work in a fun and inclusive environment. If you are interested, please click here to apply!
The Hu Lab, located in close proximity to many outstanding laboratories at UCLA (and the beautiful UCLA Botanical Garden), is looking to add enthusiastic scientists at the graduate and postdoctoral levels. While candidates will ideally have a background in developmental and/or stem cell biology, biomechanics, or genomic studies, we will gladly consider motivated and aspiring applicants, who have a strong interest in studying tissue morphogenesis and regeneration.
Post-doctoral AND GRADUATE positions are available!
You can contact us using the form below: